Frequently asked questions about your SFI Gateways

Q: What is a "Gateway?"
A: SFI Gateways are special Websites designed for SFI affiliates to use to enroll SFI Affiliates and TC customers and generate sales. These Gateway Websites contain your SFI affiliate ID number so that all sales and activity generated by them can be precisely tracked and credited to you. We'll fully process the order for you, ship the product to your customer, etc.—all at no cost to you. We'll automatically notifiy you via e-mail instantly each time you generate a sale or enrollment; and then we'll send you any commissions earned. For a complete list of SFI Gateways you can use, click HERE.
Q: With which Gateway do you recommend affiliates get started?
A: A more critical—and infinitely more helpful—aspect to concentrate on your To-Do List at your SFI Home Page. From there, you'll find links to specific strategies and tips—including Gateway URLs—you can use in your marketing efforts to attract new SFI Affiliates and TC customers.
Q: What if I miss the e-mail notifying me of a sale or enrollment?
A: Complete information on all sales and enrollments you generate is also available online in the My Reports section of the SFI Affiliate Center ( In other words, you can log in any time to check the performance results of your Gateways.
Q: How do I get people to my Gateway?
A: For tips on getting people to your Gateway sites, along with a host of other strategies and tips for attracting new affiliates to your team and TC customers, you'll want to check out the Customer Referral Methods and Affiliate Sponsoring Methods pages.
Q: Can I change how the Gateways look or the information they present?
A: Only slightly. Some Gateways display your name and contact information. This personalization is currently the only part of the Gateways that can be modified. You can edit this information at the Gateway Manager.
Q: Can I promote more than one Gateway?
A: Absolutely. That said, however, your emphasis should be on using as many marketing methods as you can to attract new SFI Affiliates and TC customers. This includes promoting your Gateways, as well as many other strategies and tips for maximum effectiveness.
Q: Who hosts and maintains the Gateways I use?
A: SFI provides all design, hosting, and maintenance of all SFI Gateway Websites. SFI foots the entire bill for these services. There is never any cost to you, no matter how many Gateways you use.
Q: Where can I see all of the available Gateways?
A: You can find your primary Gateway URLs in the Refer and Sponsor index pages. For a complete list of SFI Gateways, click HERE.
Q: Can I buy my own domain and redirect it to a Gateway?
A: Yes. Note that you can purchase domains at VERYVIP Domain Name Services and earn VersaPoints. (NOTE: read this training article for easy steps on redirecting, aka URL forwarding)
Q: What if I want to promote a single SFI product like Veriuni Liquid Nutrition?
A: Log in at Go to the product detail page for the product you want to promote individually. Scroll down to the blue SFI "Info Box." Here you'll see the Gateway URL to use, along with Customer Commission and VersaPoint information for the product. NOTE: See "TripleClicks 101" for more information on this topic.
Q: Can I use Gateways with OFFLINE promotions like classified ads or business cards?
A: Yes, just include the Gateway URL of your choice in your promotion or advertisement. Persons reading your ad can then easily go to your Gateway for full information and/or to order products or enroll. NOTE: See the Refer and Sponsor Marketing Methods pages for more tips like this one.
Q: Will additional Gateways be made available in the future?
A: Yes. As need dictates, new Gateways will be designed and made available to affiliates. If there's a particular gateway you'd like to see us develop, submit your suggestion HERE.
Q: Is it possible to get a Gateway Website address that isn't so "long" and "cumbersome."
A: The basic answer is no. We can't make them any shorter. However, you can get your own domain name (e.g. and set it up to automatically redirect to the SFI Gateway of your choice. In other words, you could advertise, but traffic would automatically redirect to the Gateway you wanted to use. This is a very common practice and very easily set up (NOTE: read this training article for easy steps on redirecting, aka URL forwarding). Remember, you can purchase domains at VERYVIP Domain Name Services and earn SVP toward EA qualification.
Q. What if I've got more questions about SFI?
A: Check out the Affiliate Support Line.
Q. What should I do next? 
A: If you haven't reviewed your To-Do List at your SFI homepage, take a few moments and do so now. The actions listed there will provide you with direction, links to marketing methods and aids, training articles, and much more.